G. Lufft Mess- und Regeltechnik GmbH
Located in Fellbach near Stuttgart, has been developing and producing professional components and systems for climate and environment measurement for more than 135 years.
The precision workmanship of highly skilled specialists has enabled the LUFFT label to be known and the products to be purchased worldwide. Intelligent meteorological sensors form the basis of highly available measuring networks along roads, rail and at airports all over the world.
Compact Weather Sensors
Assembled from the most accurate individual sensors, the result is the Lufft product family of smart weather sensors. Not just one device for all purposes - we have the right combination for every application such as for meteorology, hydrology, traffic weather, PV monitoring, AgMet or building automation. We also break the smart sensors down into individual sensors for you, if you prefer.
Lufft WS10 Smart Weather Sensor
All-in-one weather sensor with measurement of temperature, relative humidity, air pressure, wind velocity/direction, precipitation amount/ intensity/type, UV index, sun direction, brightness and twilight, and global radiation.
The All-in-One Weather Sensor WS10 covers 10 parameters simultaneously. It‘s particularly suitable for building automation, smart city applications and solar rooftops. The data transfer takes place via Wi-Fi or RS485.
Advantages of the Smart All-in-One Weather Sensor WS10
Compact casing combining 10 measurement parameters with only one cable connection
Easy data transfer via Wi-Fi and RS485
Maintenance-free - no moving parts that can wear out
User-friendly installation and operation (e.g. via Weather Underground platform)
Built-in data pre-processing, universal interfaces and selectable output protocols (UMB, Modbus, ASCII2)
Compatible with many building control systems
Integrated dome heater
Good price-performance ratio
Wind Sensors / Anemometers
The main applications of wind measurement are in the field of meteorology and industrial applications such as in wind turbine business. In order to design a profitable wind farm, the local wind conditions are measured to perform a detailed wind site assessment. Once the wind farm is set up and running, its best performance has to be ensured. Thus wind measurement does not stop with connecting the wind farm to the grid. Long service life, reliability and functionality under extreme conditions are the most important requirements in almost every application, which our sensors fulfil.
WS200-UMB Smart Weather Sensor
Compact all-in-one weather sensor from the WS-Series. Measurement of wind direction and speed.
VENTUS-X-UMB Ultrasonic Wind Sensor with extended Heating
Additional transducer heater for most eXtreme environmental conditions! It measures wind speed and wind direction according to the WMO guideline and acquires the barometric pressure.
VENTUS-UMB Ultrasonic Wind Sensor
Thanks to the ultrasonic measuring method the wind sensor Lufft Ventus has no moving parts and therefore needs almost no maintenance. It measures wind speed and wind direction according to the WMO guideline and acquires the barometric pressure.
V200A Ultrasonic Wind Sensor
Ultrasonic Wind Sensor, plastic housing and 20W-heater.